Saturday, May 10, 2008

Kennedy Book Report

Michelle Kennedy

BECA 702

April 22, 2008

2nd Book Report

Bailey, C. (1984). Conflicts of interest: A matter of journalistic ethics. Archives of The National News Council.

This book, Conflicts of interest: A matter of journalistic ethics, is actually a paper that was written back in 1983. It was published and made into a book, after it was written for the National News Council. The author, Charles Bailey, sent out questionnaires to reporters and all sorts of news executives and says, “Their responses were the single most important element in the research for this study” (p.2).
The paper dissects the relationship that columnist George Will had with then President Ronald Reagan, and the fact that he apparently coached Reagan for a debate with President Carter in 1980. Will did not tell his audience about the coaching, so the Council had the writer Charles Bailey look at conflicts of interest in journalism, as they relate to this particular situation. Bailey also went into how conflicts of interest like this one, affect the “public’s perception of the news media” (p.1).
Bailey points out early on that there are no real ethical codes established for journalists. There are more or less rules established at individual news organizations. He also points out that at the time he wrote this paper, which was more than 2 decades ago, the public’s perception of the media was changing, “and not for the better” (p.45).
Bailey ends his paper by making suggestions for journalists, based on his research. He essentially says it is up to the journalists themselves to act in a respectable and ethical way. He also suggests that news stations publish their ethical standards and be open to scrutiny from the public (p.46).
I think Bailey had some good ideas and I thought what he wrote was relevant, even 24 years later. I would recommend this book. I thought it was well written, and intriguing.

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